What we humans have to start to understand is that every religion is all the same thing. There is one God. But sertein people have seen the possibility to get power and influence by dividing and pushing their own agenda and beliefs on good trusting people . No one should ever tell you what or how to belive , let that be between you and "God,Source,The All". Those who push their beliefs on you are after influence over you. Power!. Learn from life,find youre values on youre own,who you are on youre own. Search deep within what matters to you, and do not let anyone put youre beliefs down, do youre own reasearch and find God on youre own, You can always ask for advice on where to look ,but not what to belive. I wish you well , and a lot of spiritual growth.
The Heyoka
UFO What will it take for humanity to wake up???
What will it take? . We have videoes and overwhelming amount of evidence that this planet is not only visited but also inhabited by an unknown intelligemce. They are in our oceans, they are underground and most likely on the moon. There is plenty of evidence of this if you just reaserch for a couple of hours. More and more people are seeing things that can not be anything else than what we call aliens. Personaly i think they are not alien to this world ,they just dont want to be known by us, but they do not hide either. They live here among us. They are so far ahead of us ,we cant even imagine all they can do. Just watch the videoes of what their ships can do. Just think what tek they have in other areas. Its far beyond our understanding. So its about time we understand and wake up to the fact that we are not alone ,we have never been alone. Are we so afraid to think on our own that we accept all end every stupid debunker that refuse to accept the overwhellming load of evidence that now is availeble for all to see. Stop beeng afraid of the stigma and take a stand for what we all know is true now. End the fear of beeing looked on as crazy, You are not, you can make the difference in opening someones eyes. And God help me , we need to wake up.Please.
The Heyoka
About Sex!!??
I got the question who is the better lover? The tough,hard man/woman or the humble nice and kind man/woman.
The easy way to think is that it would be the rough and loud alpha people,the take charge and are the natural leaders and they claim to be the best in most things, and sometimes this is true.
But not here, the kind ,humble and nice are this because they know how deep their emotions go, they push it down where they have everything under control. To reach the potential of a kind,caring,humble and nice person ,this must be present: Respect,trust,friendship or of cource LOVE.
If you have emotional intelligence, and you can reach this persons inner spirit animal and awaken it, something you have never seen before will happen ,a transformation like no other. You wont know even what happened for the last 4 to 6 hours,just that it was so powerfull ,passionatly exellent.This is happening because to be a nice,kind humble person takes a lot of effort. When all that energy within is let loose, you better hold on, and you will know why mutual affection,respect,trust and love should always be present. A one night stand cannot give you this kind of experience. And lets be real,that is what the rough and hard, alpha types settle for. Be different ,seek how it is ment to be,find a good person and raise the roof, and enjoy........
The Heyoka
Ask Me Anything,about life and youre situation.
Ask me anything ,and i will do my best to guide you on youre journey. Ill dig deep for every question i can handle.Send me an E-mail.
Im here for you...
I got the question who is the better lover? The tough,hard man/woman or the humble nice and kind man/woman. The easy way to think is that ...